Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee


4.00pm 29 September 2020


Virtual Meeting (Skype)



decision list



Part One





Appointment of Chair



(1)          RESOLVED- That Councillor Heley be appointed as sole Chair of the Committee.







Urgent Response Transport Action Plan - update



Contact Officer:

David Parker

Tel: 01273 292474


Ward Affected:

All Wards




That the Committee:


1)            Note the update on temporary measures that have been implemented as part of the Urgent Response Transport Action Plan contained in Appendix A, and agree these remain in place while the threat from Covid-19 is again escalating, and officers continue to monitor the schemes and report findings back to a future Committee.


2)            Delegate authority to the Executive Director Economy, Environment & Culture to review and make amendments to the Old Shoreham Road cycle lane in respect of specific traffic movements, including the right hand turn into Olive Road and the Carlton Terrace junction to ease congestion, and a general review of road markings and signage to optimise safety.


3)            Give approval for the Executive Director Economy, Environment & Culture to commence detail design and the Traffic Regulation Order process to re-open Madeira Drive one-way eastbound, improve blue badge capacity and relocate cycle facilities as detailed in paragraph 3.17 of this report and the plan contained in Appendix B, and for this process to remain under constant review with alternative options weighed up and reported back to Committee to assess.


4)            Agree to a pause in implementing Tranche 2 changes, in order to ensure local residents and stakeholder groups are consulted and are able to offer input into the process. Request that officers agree a window with the Department for Transport that allows for meaningful consultation to take place, without placing the Tranche 2 funding at risk, and our expectation is that this window be no less than 6 weeks. 


5)            Agree that subject to the Council securing funding for Tranche 2 of the government’s Emergency Active Travel Fund, a report is brought to a Special meeting of the Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee to agree the measures being taken forward and the associated consultation plan.







2020 Review of Air Quality Management



Contact Officer:

Samuel Rouse

Tel: 01273 292256


Ward Affected:

All Wards




That the Committee:-


1)            Approves the proposed boundaries of the city’s Air Quality Management Areas as set out in Appendix 2;


2)            Requests that the Executive Director takes all necessary steps to vary the 2013 Air Quality Management Area Order in accordance with Appendix 2;


3)            Requests that the Executive Director undertakes the necessary work to develop and consult on a revised, draft Air Quality Action Plan;


4)            Requests that officers bring a report to a future Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee which includes the results of the consultation on the draft Air Quality Action Plan and a final document for consideration and approval. 







Electric vehicle charging point installation update



Contact Officer:

Paul Nicholls

Tel: 01273 293287


Ward Affected:

All Wards




1)            That Committee notes progress with the installation of over 200 lamp post chargers and that in November 2019 the council submitted a further successful bid for 5 fast chargers (£37k) of funding and a further bid for 12 fast chargers (£82K) has been awarded this month.


2)            That Committee notes the outcome of consultation with residents living close to the location of fast and rapid taxi chargers and notes the specific locations and infrastructure designs for rapid taxi chargers following discussions on local grid capacity with UK Power Networks.







Parking Scheme Update



Contact Officer:

Catherine Dignan

Tel: 01273 292235


1)            That the Committee having taken account of all duly made representations and comments, agrees to proceed to the next stage of advertising a Traffic Regulation Order for the smaller area in the South Portslade Area (Appendix A) as detailed in this report for a light touch parking scheme Monday to Friday 11-noon and 6-7pm.







Stanmer Park Traffic Regulation Order



Contact Officer:

Jonathan Dall

Tel: 01273 295037


Ward Affected:

Hollingdean & Stanmer




1)            That, having taken account of all duly made representations and objections, the Committee approves as advertised the following order:

Brighton & Hove (Stanmer Park) Various Restrictions and Off-Road Parking Order 202* (TRO-2-2020) with minor amendments in response to the consultation, as set out in paragraphs 5.5, 5.7 and 5.9 of the report.


2)            That Committee agree that should, during implementation, the Executive Director Economy, Environment & Culture consider that further minor changes to the TRO are appropriate, such changes are advertised as an amendment Traffic Regulation Order.


3)            That the Committee approve that all income from parking charges in Stanmer Park is used towards improved access, management and maintenance of Stanmer Park.


4)            That Committee agree that the parking scheme be reviewed 18 months after implementation to consider how well it is working and to recommend any amendments to the scheme and whether the income raised from the parking scheme gives scope for subsidising public transport to and within Stanmer Park with any recommendations for changes to the scheme to be presented in a report to the Environment, Transport & Sustainability (ETS) Committee.


5)            That Committee agree for officers to consult with residents and businesses located in Stanmer village street on a separate parking scheme for Stanmer village, and report back to the November 2020 meeting of the ETS Committee.










Stanmer Park designation as Country Park



Contact Officer:

Rob Dumbrill

Tel: 01273 293007


Ward Affected:

Hollingdean & Stanmer




1)            That the Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee agrees that the council applies to Natural England for Stanmer Park to become accredited as a Country Park.







The Living Coast Biosphere Management Strategy 2020 - 2025



Contact Officer:

Sarah Dobson

Tel: 01273 294720


Ward Affected:

All Wards




1)            That the Committee endorses the refreshed management strategy for The Living Coast on behalf of the city council.


2)            That the Committee notes the update on key projects being developed and delivered by The Living Coast.


3)            That the Committee encourages elected members to champion and support The Living Coast biosphere programme in their work and wards.







City Environment Modernisation Update



Contact Officer:

Lynsay Cook

Tel: 01273 291851


Ward Affected:

All Wards




1)            That Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee note the progress of the Modernisation Programme and the service and performance updates in Appendices 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6.


2)            That Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee approve for officers to begin the necessary work and consultation to expand the communal bin area as per Appendix 4. This will involve consultation with residents, ward councillors, operatives and the trade unions.


3)            That Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee approve to initiate a consultation on introducing communal collections from Preston Circus to Dyke Road Drive immediately to accommodate the introduction of a two-way segregated cycle lane along part of the A23.


4)            That Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee recommends to the October 2020 Policy & Resources Committee that it approve, as part of the TBM05 Budget Monitoring Report, the £529k investment in IT systems funded from the Corporate Modernisation Fund (as detailed in 3.34 to 3.36).






Graffiti Reduction Strategy Update



Contact Officer:

Saoirse Roach

Tel: 01273 294739


Ward Affected:

All Wards




1)            Note the outcomes of the consultation at Appendix 1.


2)            Delegate authority to the Executive Director Economy, Environment & Culture to use Community Protection Warnings and Community Protection Notices in relation to graffiti removal from Statutory Undertakers’ property within Brighton & Hove as detailed at Appendix 2.


3)            Delegate authority to the Executive Director Economy, Environment & Culture to use Community Protection Warnings and Community Protection Notices in relation to graffiti removal from large businesses (250 employees or more) within Brighton & Hove as detailed at Appendix 3.


4)            Delegate authority to the Executive Director Economy, Environment & Culture to use Community Protection Warnings and Community Protection Notices in relation to graffiti removal from small to medium sized enterprises (less than 250 employees) within Brighton & Hove as detailed at Appendix 3.


5)            Agree not to introduce a graffiti enforcement approach for homeowners, charities, community run facilities (including those leased from the council) and other such like organisations.


6)            Approves the creation of a chargeable graffiti removal service, funded through Service Level Agreements.


7)            Delegate authority to the Executive Director Economy, Environment & Culture (following consultation with Acting Chief Finance Officer) to revise the chargeable graffiti removal service fee in response to the prevailing market prices for the services provided at least annually.







Environmental Enforcement Framework



Contact Officer:

Lynsay Cook

Tel: 01273 291851


Ward Affected:

All Wards




1)            That the Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee approves the updated Environmental Enforcement Framework as detailed in Appendix 1 (tracked changes version) and Appendix 2 (clean version).


2)            That the Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee approve the £80 Fixed Penalty Notice for Dog Control Orders.


3)            That the Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee approves for a public consultation to take place for the introduction of Public Space Protection Orders to manage environmentally anti-social behaviour as outlined in paragraph 3.18 – 3.20 below.


4)            That the Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee grants delegated authority to the Executive Director, Environment, Economy & Culture to enforce the offences included in the updated Environmental Enforcement Framework.


